Academic Achievements

1. Doctoral Dissertations

By the end of 2023, students in the Doctoral Program in Developing Country Studies have completed a total of 35 doctoral dissertations. In terms of research content, most of the dissertations focus on issues of academic value that are prominent in developing countries, such as economic development, educational mobility, royal politics, military-political relations, ethnic politics, public health, populism, and so on, reflecting the program's consistent emphasis on the research of fundamental issues in developing countries.

2. Paper in Journals

In terms of Chinese journal publications, by the end of 2023, the faculty and students of the DCS program have published 164 Chinese journal papers. In addition, the faculty and students of the program have published 38 journal papers in English, Russian, Spanish, Vietnamese, Arabic and other languages, all of which are local journals with academic influence. In total, 114 papers were published in social sciences core journals.

By the end of 2023, the faculty and students have also published 41 book chapters in Chinese and 15 book chapters in foreign languages.

3. Conference Paper

Students of the Doctoral Program in Developing Country Studies and faculty members of the IIAS have actively participated in and presented papers/presentations at important international and domestic academic conferences, including many well-known local academic conferences in the countries where the research is conducted. By the end of 2023, a total of 203 conference papers/reports have been published by the whole institute.

4. Monographs, Translations and Edited Works

In order to promote the knowledge production and innovation in area and country studies, the Institute for International and Area Studies (IIAS) at Tsinghua University has devoted itself to planning and publishing the "Tsinghua University Area Studies Series", i.e. IIAS Monographs, IIAS Translated Works, and IIAS Edited Works. As of March 2024, 2 monographs, 15 translated works and 6 edited books have been published.

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