Ding Chenxi
Assistant Professor
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      Education: Doctoral Degree

      Languages: English, Arabic, Hebrew, French

      Email: dingchenxi@tsinghua.edu.cn

      Research Countries/Regions: Morocco, Maghreb

      Research Interests: Comparative law, Islamic constitutionalism, legal systems of the Maghreb countries.

    Education Background
      • Ph.D. in Law, Law School, Tsinghua University.

      • M.A. in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

      • B.A. in Arabic, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Beijing Language and Culture University.

    Academic Visiting
      • Postdoctoral Fellow at St Antony’s College, University of Oxford, 2023-2024

      • Mohammed V University, Morocco, 2017-2019

      • Kuwait University, Kuwait, 2010-2011

      • Suez Canal University, Egypt, 2009

      • Ding, Chenxi, “The Historical Process of Cannabis Legalization in Morocco and its Controversies”, Area Observation, No.2, 2021.

      • Ding, Chenxi, “The Moroccan-Spanish Diplomatic Crisis in the Context of the Abrahamic Accords”, Area Observation, No.4, 2021.

    Book Chapter
      • Ding Chenxi, "The Hidden Corners: Visibility and Self-Censorship of "Transgressions" in Moroccan Society," in The Global as a Field: A Tour of Tsinghua University’s Area Studies, May 2022, The Commercial Press.

    Translated Books
      • Ding Chenxi, Translation in Chinese of Tom Segev, One Palestine Complete: Jews and Arabs under the British Mandate, trans. Haim Watzman, Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Press, 2023.

      • Michael B. Oren, Six days of war: June 1967 and the making of the modern Middle East, New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.

      • “Modernization Attempts of the Moroccan Constitution: Constitutionalization of Tradition and the Establishment of the 1962 Constitution”, 3rd Tsinghua Area Studies Forum, Beijing, July 2023.

      • “The Concept of ‘Sovereign Ministers’ in Morocco”, Chang'an Africa Forum, Xi'an, November 2022

      • “From Sharia to Islamic Law: The Historical Evolution of Personal Status Law in Morocco”, 2nd Tsinghua Area Studies Forum, Beijing, July 2021.

      • “The Controversy of Legitimacy of Major Government Decisions during the Covid-19 in Morocco”, 13th Annual Conference of the Academic Community of Political Science and International Relations, Beijing, August 2020.

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