Yang Jun
Professor, Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University
  • Education Background
      • 2004 Ph.D. University of California at Berkeley (Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management)

      • 1999 M.Agr. Beijing Forestry University (School of Landscape Architecture)

      • 1994 B.Agr. Beijing Forestry University (College of Forestry and Resources)

    Work Experience
      • 2019- Professor (Tenured) Department of Earth System Science Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

      • 2013-2019 Associate Professor (Tenure track) Department of Earth System Science Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

      • 2009-2012 Professor College of Forestry Beijing Forestry University, Beijing, China

      • 2005-2009 Assistant Professor (Tenure track) Department of Landscape Architecture and Horticulture Temple University, Philadelphia, USA

      • 1994-1996 Assistant Researcher Institute of Medicinal Plant Chinese Academy of Medical Science, Beijing, China

      • 09/2017-02/2018 Visiting Associate Professor Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology Cornell University, USA

      • 01/2005-03/2005 Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow Professor William Burch’s Laboratory Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

    Research Focus

      Urban ecology in the era of global change, specifically:

      • Urban ecosystem structure and functions

      • Urban biodiversity

      • Urban ecosystem services and human wellbeing

      • Applications of remote sensing and big data in urban ecology studies

      • 2011 Australian Leadership Award Scholarship, Australian National University, Australia

      • 2001 Xi-Sigma-Pi, Forestry Honor Society, California Chapter, USA

    Selected Publications

      1. Urban ecosystem structure and functions

      1. Effects of compositional and configurational heterogeneity of the urban matrix on the species richness of woody plants in urban remnant forest patches[J];Landscape Ecology,2021,37619-632.

      2. Effects of sampling approaches on quantifying urban forest structure[J];Landscape and Urban Planning,2019,195

      3. The contribution of socioeconomic factors to PM2.5 pollution in urban China[J];Environmental Pollution,2018,233977-985.

      4. The temporal trend of urban green coverage in major Chinese cities between 1990 and 2010[J];Urban Forestry & Urban Greening,2013,13(1):19-27.

      5. Can you see green? Assessing the visibility of urban forests in cities[J];Landscape and Urban Planning,2009,91(2):97-104.

      2. Urban biodiversity

      1. Genetic patterns reveal differences between the invasion processes of common ragweed in urban and non-urban ecosystems[J];Global Ecology and Conservation,2022,38

      2. Species diversity of urban forests in China[J];Urban Forestry & Urban Greening,2017,28160-166.

      3. Exploring land-use legacy effects on taxonomic and functional diversity of woody plants in a rapidly urbanizing landscape[J];Landscape and Urban Planning,2017,16292-103.

      4. The compositional similarity of urban forests among the world’s cities is scale dependent[J];Global Ecology and Biogeography,2015,24(12):1413-1423.

      5. Assessing the potential impact of climate change on urban trees: a case study in Philadelphia;Journal of Forestry,2009,107(7):364-372.

      3. Urban ecosystem service and residents’ health and well-being

      1. The restorative effects of short-term exposure to nature in immersive virtual environments (IVEs) as evidenced by participants’ brain activities[J];Journal of Environmental Management,2022,326

      2. Healthy cities initiative in China: Progress, challenges, and the way forward[J];The Lancet Regional Health Western Pacific,2022,27

      3. Simulating PM2. 5 removal in an urban ecosystem based on the social-ecological model framework[J];Ecosystem Services,2020,47

      4. Tsinghua-Lancet Commission on Healthy Cities in China: unlocking the power of cities for a healthy China[J];Lancet,2018,391(10135):2140-2184.

      5. The urban forest in Beijing and its role in air pollution reduction[J];Urban Forestry & Urban Greening,2004,3(2):65-78.

      4. Remote sensing and big data methods for urban ecological studies

      1. Mapping the maximum extents of urban green spaces in 1039 cities using dense satellite images[J];Environmental Research Letters,2021,16

      2. Big data and the future of urban ecology: From the concept to results[J];Science China-Earth Sciences,2020,631443-1456.

      3. Mapping urban land uses by using Landsat images and point of interest data[J];Remote Sensing,2016,8(2):

      4. The role of satellite remote sensing in climate change studies[J];Nature Climate Change,2013,3875-883.

      5. Detection of the urban heat island in Beijing using HJ-1B satellite imagery[J];Science China-Earth Sciences,2011,5367-73.

    Books and Book Chapters
      1. 健康城市建设方法与实践案例.[Works],2022

      2. 城市林业规划与管理.[Works],中国林业出版社,2012



      • 国家自然科学基金面上项目城市化驱动的生物同质化的级联效应:以树木和鸟类为例

      • 政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项“重塑绿色-培育面向中欧城市智慧、绿色和健康转型的基于自然解决方案”/课题2

      • 国家重点研发计划项目城镇化对区域及全球尺度气候变化的影响/课题1:全球城镇化时空格局

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